Monday, August 4, 2008


If this is the first post on the list, that means that you have come here right before I was about to post another! ^_^

Any way. Hello from the unknown world of where ever I am sitting at the moment.
I hope you enjoy my blog and I will try to keep posting as much as possible... (that might be hard, considering my past with posting on most sites.... But I'll try ^_^)

As you can see, I really like the icon "^_^" and you will probably see it a lot.
Other icons I like to use:
  1. "-_-" This represents slight annoyance and little tolerance.
  2. "o.O" This represents a raised eyebrow like "What the H-E-double hockey sticks was that?"
  3. ">.>" And this one is a glare. No more to say about that...
  4. OH!! AND THIS ---> ** implies and action such as *sigh* or *I give you a big hug!*
Well that's all for today.
Hope you come back! ^_^


Christopher said...

Recommendation of a friend? Nice!

Have fun with it... You can even throw unexplained emoticons out there and let the audience try to figure them out...

Nomi said...

I'm not a blogging kind of person. When I was at my best, I would update once a month. I also, do not enjoy reading other people's blogs. So, do not be offended when I completely ignore what you write here, cousin. Other than that, good luck.