Friday, October 3, 2008

6th Period Drama

Where to start...?

I'm sitting in Drama and Mr. Bewley isn't here because he said he had to yell at LAUSD for some reason.... Though I'd love to see that.... But any way. Ms. Goodman is subbing for him (she our English teacher and she's hilarious so I don't mind)

But I'm working on a play that we're writing but Davit is SO funny!

We did this NewsCast improv about a "Blizzard in LA" the other day and Davit was Helicopter Traffic Reporter. When he started talking, he put a pencil in the pencil sharpener so it sounded like he was in a helicopter. Everyone was laughing. Mr. Bewley didn't get it until I said "he's making it sound like a helicopter." and he cracked up. I've never seen him laugh so hard.

My part in the improv was to be a scientist that was being interviewed and I was declaring the "End of the World". I did it all with a serious face and in a British accent. No stuttering. I spoke very fluently in the accent, and Mr. Bewley LOVED it.

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